Healing Your Finances with Reiki

Financial stress and pressure can be one of the biggest drains on your health and Waterfall in west of Thailandwellness.

Reiki can help you improve your financial health and align you with the stream of abundance.

Not only will it clear away the stress, it can open the doors to allowing greater abundance.

Everyone has different ideas of financial health. Your net worth isn’t the only measure of success.

What are your key ingredients for success? What brings you comfort, satisfaction and happiness?

Most people want what money brings them, rather than money itself. Feelings of security and freedom usually top the list.

Reiki can help you feel more secure, confident, worthy, energized, and relaxed which translates into greater success in your life.

Reiki can help improve your financial health in many ways.

Clear your blocks to abundance.

The Reiki can bring attention energy that is stuck and holding you back. It can bring to the surface ways you have been pushing your abundance away.

The blocks may show up in the form of old beliefs of lack, never having enough, needing to work hard or sabotaging patterns.

Improve your relationship with money.

Reiki can help you see money as something you want and deserve in your life. It will help you energetically feel and understand that money is good and positive. Money is just energy and is just as spiritual as everything else is.

Increase your self worth.

You are here on this planet for a reason. The universe wants you to share your gifts with the world. Your divine birthright includes having your needs met.

Reiki can help improve your relationship with yourself which translates into more abundance in your life. When you love and accept yourself and know you are worthy, you attract more finances into your life with greater ease.

Reiki supports your healthy communication. You will get better in asking for what you need based on your sense of worthiness and open throat chakra.

You know the old saying…. “When you ask, you shall receive.”

Keep your heart open and filled with appreciation.

Reiki can fill you with loving appreciation for what you have now in your life. This puts you in receptive mode and always helps you attract more.

Whenever you receive money or something of value, give thanks. Allow yourself to feel and bask in the blessings that the universe bestows upon you.

This keeps your vibration high and the doors of receiving wide open for more abundance to enter.

Illuminate and empower your goals.

It can help you be clear about your financial goals and what you value. When you are holding specific intentions for spending, saving or sharing, the energy of money flows through you for those goals.

Whatever you focus on gets stronger. The Reiki can act as a magnet to help you attract more positive energy towards your goals and abundance.

Reiki can help you create new and healthy financial habits.

Reiki can help you get financially creative. It can open you to ideas and inspiration for ways to attract more or save more. You will be energetically supported in creating a new, healthy financial plan, free from the old blocked energy patterns.

Have you ever created a financial plan or budget and completely ignored it on an impulsive moment? Reiki can increase your will power and help your stick to your financial health plan.

Reiki is great at grounding and centering. So it can help keep you steady and focused during a potentially impulsive moment.

If you aren’t attuned to Reiki I am happy to provide energetic support towards your financial goals.

If you have Reiki already remember you can ask the Reiki to improve your financial health.

Get creative! Besides sending Reiki to your root and sacral chakras, send to all of your chakras. Send to positive affirmations. Turn on your Reiki any time you receive something of value.

Send Reiki to your business or your job. Remember to send to your bank accounts and investments and anything you want to bring more of into your life.

Use the mental/emotional symbol to bring patterns and beliefs to the surface to clear.

And trust that any Reiki you give yourself will not only be supporting your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. It will empower your financial health too.

The Reiki facilitates keeping your valve open to your unlimited potential and inner being. This leads to greater health, happiness and abundance. You deserve all of this.

In loving light,




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