Full Moon Reiki Rainbow Meditation

Full Moon Reiki Rainbow Meditation

As part of the monthly Full Moon distant Reiki, I invite you to join me in a group Full Moon Reiki Rainbow Meditation. Rainbows hold the energy of love, hope and joy. They spark our hearts to open when we behold such beauty before us after a storm. They are like rays of healing light that remind us that all is well.

Reiki and dolphins hold the rainbow ray active on the Earth and many children born in recent years anchor this vibration on the planet too. My little dog, Ace, is of the rainbow ray. His fur literally glows rainbows when the sunlight shines directly on him.

Rainbows remind us that if we follow our heart’s desires and internal guidance our dreams will come true. They act as a bridge between spirit and physical bringing heightened intuition.

Rainbows show us that the universe is supporting us and to not give up even when things feel challenging or overwhelming. They point us towards our unlimited possibilities.

The liquid love that pours forth from rainbows resonates in our hearts and souls. All the colors of the rainbow remind us to welcome and accept all with love in our hearts.

Full Moon Rainbow Meditation

You can do this mediation on your own or you can enjoy the guided meditation video.

This meditation is meant for everyone, whether you are attuned to Reiki or not. I will be sending out Reiki during the full moon each month to for the rainbow meditation.

Simply set aside a few minutes or longer at a time that works best for you. No matter when you do the meditation, intend that your pure light joins with all the others around the Earth doing the Rainbow Meditation on the full moon each month.

  • If you are attuned to Reiki, invite it in and place your hands where they are comfortable.
  • If you aren’t attuned to Reiki, you can welcome in the Reiki being sent for the full moon mediation if you want.
  • Feel your connection with the Earth through the bottoms of your feet. This will anchor your energy so you can hold more and more light.
  • Feel your connection with the sky, the cosmic, universal energy within you.
  • Allow yourself to connect fully with your breath.
    • With your exhales release unwanted energy.
    • With your inhales invite the Reiki, love and rainbow light into your heart.
    • Feel the love that you are now and always.
  • From where you are planted on the Earth, imagine yourself as a ray of rainbow light, like a pillar of light.
  • Notice the rainbow light radiating out from you connecting with others meditating with Reiki and the Rainbow ray.
  • Imagine the Earth with all our rainbow beams of light encompassing the world with love, purification and peace.
  • Affirm – I AM LIGHT, I AM LOVE, I AM
  • When you feel complete, breath in appreciation and love for yourself for participating in this meditation.

Thank you for joining in this group Reiki Rainbow Meditation. Please feel free to share your experiences on my Facebook or Instagram page or with me directly.



Christy DeArment, Reikichristy
The Reiki Muse
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