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Distant Reiki Healing Answers

In this article you will find answers to some common questions about Distant Reiki healing. It’s understandable if you feel skeptical about remote healing. Usually, we go to see our wellness practitioners in person. People often wonder how distant healing works. You may want to try a distant healing yourself to know if it’s really for you. You may discover that you prefer distant healing. There certainly are some practical benefits to receiving energy work in the comfort of your own home.

What is distant Reiki healing?

Distant Reiki healing is a remote energy healing that works no matter how far apart the sender and receiver are in the world. The distant Reiki symbol joins the Reiki practitioner and the client together in a sacred healing space.

Anyone with Reiki II or higher can send distant Reiki. Distant Reiki transcends time and space to bring the receiver and the practitioner together energetically in the now.

Is Distant Reiki as effective as an in-person session?

Yes, distant Reiki is absolutely as powerful as an in-person Reiki session. The same energy flows to you remotely as it would in person. Your mind may perceive it differently since there is no one physically present with you, but it still works just the same.

What happens during a distant Reiki session?

The Reiki is intelligent energy and knows what you most need in any given moment. It will clear energy on all levels from the spiritual to the physical. The Reiki will clear unwanted energy from your aura, chakras, meridians, body, emotions, mind and spirit. It will fill you with high vibrating, healing energy.

I connect with you using the distant Reiki symbol starting at your third eye. This is why your distant Reiki report usually will say the Reiki started in your head.

If you need Reiki somewhere else in your body or energy field, the Reiki will start there. For instance, I will intend to connect with your third eye and the Reiki instantly jumps into your heart or your belly.

The Reiki will nourish and restore your energy so you feel more aligned with your inner being and wholeness.

Who benefits from distant Reiki?

Distant Reiki session during a lunch break.

Anyone can benefit from distant Reiki. Distant energy work is amazing for those with a super busy schedule. You don’t have to waste time getting to and from your appointment. You can be super efficient in scheduling your self care time by having a session at your lunch break, for example.

If you face restrictions in leaving your house distant Reiki is a perfect solution. For instance, you are sick, recovering from a surgery, dealing with depression or anxiety, have young children who need you home, or you are a caregiver for someone who needs you at home.

Distant Reiki is a great support in the midst of life transitions, such as: pregnancy and birth, marriage, divorce, death, moving, career changes, or starting a business. These life changes usually come with less free time for self care and the Reiki can support your goals during these changes.

What conditions can be treated?

There are no limits to conditions that can be treated by Reiki. Distant Reiki is great for instances where it would be challenging to have a healer physically with you. For example, surgery, exams, medical testing, dental visits, travel, relationship support, etc.

I find that distant clients are very open and vulnerable in sharing what they hope to heal with distant Reiki, often more so than in-person clients. Distant Reiki is great for supporting you during deeply personal issues.

What can I expect?

You will share your healing intentions and goals when you order. The Reiki will work with your intentions, but will still go where you most need it in the moment. So if something comes up after you have shared your healing focus, the Reiki still has you covered. It will work on things you may not even be aware you needed help with.

If you scheduled a Full Distant Reiki session, you can relax at your designated time. The Reiki will be sent to you and your Reiki report will be emailed to you about an hour later.

If you don’t have a scheduled time, the Reiki will work for your benefit without interrupting your daily activities or your sleep.

What if I’m interrupted?

The Reiki will still work even if you are distracted or something comes up where you can’t rest at your scheduled time. If you are called to take care of something, you will still get the benefit of the Reiki healing.

You may not feel anything at all during your distant Reiki session. The Reiki energy can be very subtle making slight shifts in your energy field. The Reiki is always working for your highest good and most benevolent outcomes. Just because you don’t feel it during your session, doesn’t mean nothing happened.

Are there times I should avoid distant Reiki?

No. Reiki never causes harm and it is intelligent energy. For instance, if you are driving the Reiki will help you feel more focused and energized. Whereas, if you were resting the Reiki would be more likely to cause you to fall asleep.

The Reiki will work in the best way possible for you in any given circumstances. It will facilitate the best possible outcomes for you. For example, if someone is critically ill or injured, the Reiki will support what is in the highest good by either facilitating recovery or a peaceful end of life transition.

What will I feel during my Distant Reiki session?

You may feel heat, tingling, warmth, chills, relaxation, pulsations or waves of energy, a sense of relief, clarity, insights, sleepy, energized or other sensations.

I suggest noticing shifts over the coming days. Just a slight shift in your mood or energy level can make a difference in all areas of your life. It may take some time to notice.

Each Reiki session is unique, each session you may feel different sensations. Many people report feeling relaxed, uplifted, a sense of relief, or energized after a distant Reiki session.

How long do the effects last?

How long you notice the benefits of a distant Reiki session vary for each individual. Some people report lasting benefits from one distant healing. Others may feel better for days, weeks or months.

Occasionally, you repeat sessions are called for to help you to start feeling better. Your personal results can never be guaranteed or predicted. The Reiki follows divine will, your personal will and how much healing you are ready and willing for in any given moment.

Can I order for someone else?

Yes, you can order distant healing for your loved ones. It’s best if they are aware they are receiving a remote Reiki treatment so they can be open to receiving the most benefit. Even if they aren’t aware, I always send Reiki with the intention that they receive based on their own free will. I psychically introduce myself and ask permission.

What is the Sender doing during a Distant Reiki Treatment?

Christy sending distant Reiki.

When I send distant Reiki, I am sitting at my wooden desk, in my car, at a table outside in my yard with my feet on the ground, or sitting on the Earth.

To an observer, I would look like I’m meditating with my hands in front of me. I hold my hands out and feel where the Reiki is going to a mini-version of the client.

I have paper and a pen next to me for taking notes while I send distant Reiki.

In my mind’s eye, I see the Reiki and colors flowing to the client’s aura, chakras, meridians, mind, emotions, spirit and body.

Often, I hear or see words in the form of guidance or inspiration. Sometimes I’m show a word for a part of the anatomy.

Each session is unique in what I notice while I’m sending.

After, I’m done focusing on sending Reiki, I intend that the Reiki still flows to the client while I type up the session notes. I also keep the Reiki flowing into the words of the Reiki report. So the words become living words full of light and inspiration that you can experience when you read your report.

I would be honored to work with you when you are ready for some energetic support. You can also join my email list or follow me on social media to receive free distant Reiki on the full moons.

Love and blessings!


P.S. Click here to learn more about distant Reiki sessions.

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