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The Creation and Beneficial Uses of A Reiki Shower

Have you ever wanted the Reiki to keep flowing over an area while you work on another area of the body?  Have you ever wished that everyone entering your home would clear their energy upon entering?  Have you ever desired your morning shower to clean more than just your physical body?

Try creating a Reiki shower or Reiki rain. 






How do you make this Reiki rain you may ask?  It’s really quite simple whether you’re attuned to Reiki, level I or II.

If you’re attuneded to the second degree, draw the distant symbol vertically in the air and the power symbol horizontally below the distant symbol.  Visualize the Reiki coming through the distant symbol and raining out of the power symbol like water from a shower head.  

If you’re a 1st degree Reiki practitioner, just visualize a shower head or a ball of Reiki raining down in beautiful colors over the area you place it.

The Reiki shower will allow Reiki to flow over an area clearing and charging the space continuously.  When you create the Reiki shower intend that it remains active for 12 to 24 hours.  You can reset them as often as needed.

Beneficial Uses for a Reiki Shower

You can use the Reiki shower to clear a space in your home.  I like to leave the Reiki showers over my doorways to keep my space sacred.  That way when someone enters my home, the Reiki will clear their energy as they walk through the door.  

I just finished a long drive and sent distant Reiki ahead of myself to the part of the drive I usually get a bit tired.  Then I realized I didn’t need to wait till I was tired to Reiki myself.  I created a Reiki shower over my car right then while I was feeling good.  I kept seeing and feeling the colorful and energizing Reiki supporting my drive.  I never did get tired on my 13 hour drive.

You could try creating a Reiki shower over your house plant that needs some extra love or your garden.  Try one over your bed for a rejuvenating sleep.  Put one over your shower head and feel the extra deep cleaning of your aura. You can leave it over yourself all day long along with your protection roses.  Notice how your day goes with Reiki showering your aura all day long.

When I’m giving healing Reiki session I use the Reiki shower technique often when I want to keep the Reiki flowing over a receptive part of the body when I’m called to move to another position.

Here’s some other ideas for where to place a Reiki Shower over:

What ideas do you have for using a Reiki shower?

In Light!


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