The Heart Chakra Reiki Blast

Here’s a Reiki technique to make your life easier. You can use it for specific situations or live this way all the time. You might notice if you radiate Reiki from your heart chakra people are attracted to you, simply because they feel better in your presence. Animals and people alike are drawn to those vibrating the energy of love.

How to use the Heart Chakra Reiki Blast

  • Allow Reiki to open your heart and flow out of your heart chakra.
  • While keeping your heart open to the Reiki, flow love and light from your Divine Source down into your heart through your crown.
  • Ground your energy through your root chakra into the Earth. Feel the supportive Earth energy flowing up to your heart chakra helping you stay centered in your loving power.
  • Let the Reiki flow like a loving stream to the person or people near you from your heart chakra. Feel the Reiki love and wisdom going from your heart to the other person’s heart.
  • Remember the Reiki always respects each individual’s free will. It won’t enter someone’s energy field without their willingness to receive. Subconsciously, most people are very willing to receive loving and supportive energy.

When to use the Heart Chakra Reiki Blast

One beneficial time to use the Heart Chakra Reiki Blast is when someone is making a decision. If their decision directly effects you, just state your case with an open heart with the Reiki flowing and let the person know the decision is in their hands. The Reiki will encourage them to follow their heart in their decision making process. Stand back and let them go within and choose what they’ll do.

Trust that whatever answer they give that’s it’s in the highest good for all concerned. Remember that you are showering them with open and loving heart energy. It feels good to be showered in loving energy. When we feel good we make loving, heartfelt choices.

There are countless ways this technique can be helpful. I think about places like the DMV or the post office at the holidays and Reiki making the experience more positive for everyone.

If you find yourself in your car on the side of the road after being pulled over by a police officer, remember to turn on the Reiki. Perhaps you will drive away with only a warning.

Radiate Reiki love like the sun.

Keep your Heart Chakra Open

For more positive results in your life, keep your Reiki turned on. Let your heart be open and loving as often as possible. Imagine feeling as good as you can in each moment, someone who radiates love from their heart.

When you are fully open to the Divine Source within your heart, people who interact with you feel great after being around you. Imagine the person you just interacted with opens his heart and he goes off and showers the next person he talks to with love. Before You know it we’d have world peace. Or at least a few people who had a better day because of your loving heart.

You will attract the best from others and give the best of yourself when you let the Reiki flow through your heart. If you aren’t attuned to Reiki, you can still intend to stay connected with the loving energy within you. Reiki does make it easier, so get attuned when you can.

Here’s to Reiki and wide open hearts and a world filled with love!

In infinite Reiki love,


Christy DeArment, Reikichristy
Schedule your Full Distant Reiki session

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