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Attracting Your Soul Mate with Reiki

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I was recently asked if Reiki can help attract a loving partner?

Yes, you can use Reiki to help attract your soul mate. But like anything else with Reiki, don’t be attached to certain results. Reiki always works in alignment with your most benevolent outcome.

Sometimes your highest soul-level growth comes from being single and sometimes it comes from being in relationship. There is someone who is a perfect vibrational match for you. Just have patience and trust the divine timing.


Clearing Out the Old Energy

Reiki will not only help you attract an ideal soul mate, it will help you clear your relationship patterns that no longer serve you.You can use Reiki to clear out your energy after ending a relationship. The last thing you want to do is attract a new relationship filled with the same problems as the last one.


By using Reiki on yourself to become aware and release your patterns, you will set the stage for a truly new relationship.  The only constant factor in all your relationships is “You”.  With Reiki, you can fine tune yourself to be the best possible You, to attract the best possible partner for you.


For example, say you just ended a relationship with someone who you argued with a lot. If you don’t clear your vibration of argumentative energy, you’ll end up in another argumentative relationship. Of course, you may not notice this until after the newness wears off. If you’re still a vibrational match to arguing, that’s what you’ll attract.


With Reiki you can clear the energy in you that resonates with arguing , so you’re no longer a vibrational match to it (or whatever undesired relationship quality you’ve been experiencing). That way when you start a new relationship it can be truly fresh and new. You can create a sacred space with your new lover to reflect your current and new level of vibration.


Here’s just one idea for a way to clear out an old energetic pattern:


Reiki yourself while imagining the Reiki vacuuming away all the energy of your previous relationship that no longer serves you.  It can be a certain quality like arguing, playing the victim or feelings of abandonment.  Allow the Reiki to remove any unwanted energy while remaining open for personal insights and awareness into your relationship patterns.


Once you feel like you have cleared out all the unwanted energy allow yourself to be filled with Reiki and qualities which serve you to embrace like, clear communication, empowerment, and feeling connected with your divine self.


Appreciating Being Single

Reiki will also assist you in truly appreciating the time between relationships.  Reiki can illuminate your soul level desires and passions bringing them to the forefront, so you’ll remember what’s important to your soul level path in life.  With Reiki, you’ll get clear on aspects you are not willing to compromise on in your next relationship.


Reiki can help you learn to savor being in relationship with yourself as you treat yourself as you would a dearest love.  What a great way to nurture yourself by using the loving and nurturing energy of Reiki.  The deeper your self-love, the deeper your capacity to love another.


Cultivating Patience and Trust

You’ve done your inner work and are radiating your loving self.  Now you are ready to attract your loving soul mate.  Perhaps you’ve already started sending Reiki to meeting him/her.  You’re going to social functions that you’re guided to go to.  Still no luck.

Remember to send Reiki to yourself and cultivate patience and trust in divine timing.  When you are a perfect vibrational match to meeting someone you will.  Often when you least expect it and at a time you hadn’t even been giving meeting someone the slightest thought.  (It’s in those times, you are offering no resistance to meeting your lover.)

Connecting on the Spiritual Plane


You can use Reiki to connect with your soul mate on the spiritual plane before you meet in the physical.  If you are attuned to the second degree, use the distant symbol to connect with the soul energy of your next ideal lover, whether it be your soul mate or twin soul. Intend that you connect in the astral plane during your dreams.

If you’re a Reiki I, just Reiki yourself with the intention that you’ll be connected spiritually with your ideal loving partner while meditating or during your sleep.


Just enjoy the feeling of connecting while savoring feelings of soul-level love.  Perhaps you’ll remember past life connections or glimpses of soul level memories.

Don’t get caught up trying to figure out where, when and how you meet in the physical.  Getting focused on specifics will most likely put you in a state of resistance.  If you get some details great, but the main point of connecting with your love on the spiritual plane is to feel the love and instill a sense of faith and trust.


Meeting Your Soul Mate

Keep sending Reiki without attachment to when, where and how. Stay open to the guidance your given. There’s no right or wrong way to meet. If you’re inspired to online date, go for it. If you just know that you’re meant to attend an event, then buy your ticket.

Keep your attention on loving yourself and radiating who you truly are.  There’s nothing more attractive than someone shining their soul-level self.

Trust that you’ll know in your heart and mind that you’ve met your loving partner. You may feel this knowing at first sight or perhaps after many years.  Know that you are love and deserve to be loved.

In loving Reiki light!


P.S. I’d love to support you in clearing your relationship patterns and attracting your loving partner with Distant Reiki Healing.
The Reiki Muse
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