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How to Use Reiki as A Sunscreen and Get More Vitamin D

The Reiki Muse

Reiki can be used to boost your sun protection and vitamin D absorption.  Turn the sun into your friend when spending time outdoors with Reiki.

Spending time in the sun without sunscreen is healthy, at least for brief periods of time.  That’s how our bodies produce vitamin D.  A good time to spend outdoors without using sunblock is before 10 am or late in the day when the suns UV rays are not so strong.

Popular belief holds that the sun’s radiation is harmful.  We are encouraged to wear sun block which almost completely turns off our body’s ability to produce vitamin D.  Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption and melatonin production. A lack of vitamin D has been linked to depression, certain cancers, diabetes and osteoporosis.

Reiki can be used as a form of sun screen.  If you hold the personal belief or experience of the sun’s rays being harmful, you may want to start by working with the Reiki to clear your beliefs.

Once you feel more aligned with spending time in the sun with only Reiki sunscreen, give it a try. Start for short periods of a few minutes.

How to use Reiki as a sunscreen:

Turn on your Reiki and imagine that your aura boundary is charged with golden light. Use the mental/emotional symbol and the power symbol along with the Karuna Reiki ® symbols, if you are attuned to them.

Affirm that your body absorbs only the sun’s healthy energy.  Know that you are recharging with uplifting, warm and nourishing sunlight. Feel your body getting enough healthy UV rays to support your body in producing the vitamin D it needs for your overall wellness.

Affirm and trust that your auric field deflects the harmful UV rays. Imagine your the outer layer of your aura is a UV filter. You can set this filter to allow the amount of sunlight that serves you in. Feel yourself glowing from the inside out.

While you’re enjoying your time in the sun, remember to soak up the healing and revitalizing Earth energy too. I think the Earth’s healing energy feels similar to Reiki.  Take off your shoes and soak it up into your feet.

If you are spending all day in the sun follow your own guidance and wisdom about using sunscreen. Getting sun burned is no fun either. You may need to build upon how much time you can safely soak up those sun’s rays without sunscreen. Turning on your Reiki sun shield will promote your sun protection.

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