Activating Dolphin Reiki Healing Guides

You can consciously activate the dolphin healing guides with Reiki. Dolphin energy is like Reiki energy since both are filled with rainbow light emitting the vibration of love and joy. Dolphins are adept energy healers. When the dolphins guides show up in a Reiki session they like to...

Reflexology as Energy Healing

Reflexology, like Reiki, is a form of energy healing, especially when you get a session from someone attuned to Reiki. Your body gets an energetic tune up from a reflexology session.

The Healing Benefits of Going Barefoot With Reiki.

Are you feeling scattered, drained, anxious, having trouble sleeping or headaches? A free healing session is just beneath your feet. Going barefoot allows the Earth to...

How to Use Reiki as A Sunscreen and Get More Vitamin D

Reiki can be used to boost your sun protection and vitamin D absorption. Turn the sun into your friend...