Reiki Transforms Your Relationship with Pain and Stress

Have you ever found yourself experiencing physical pain so strong you can't stand up? Have you felt emotional pain so severe you thought your heart would explode?  Have you lived through stress so intense you felt you were losing your mind? Reiki helps you move out of resistance and into the flow of all that is. Reiki helps you tap into your unlimited and expansive inner power.

Reiki First Response

Always remember you have far more to offer from your place of well-being than from your place of worry and fear. And no matter how you personally feel when you send Reiki to someone, the Reiki will enter them feeling like love and peace. It won't transfer...

5 Ways to Help Reiki Flow Stronger When Someone is in Pain

If You find yourself in a situation of giving Reiki when You're in pain or someone else is in pain and the Reiki doesn't seem to be flowing very much. There are things You can do to help the Reiki flow, even when there's intense pain happening.