Reiki Uncovers Your Soul Mate within


lotus flower
“Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering. The one you are looking for is you. You are the traveler and you are the destination. In experiencing the ecstasy of your own being, you have achieved the final goal.” ~ Osho

Do you crave being with someone who understands you like no other? Someone who puts your relationship first. Someone who loves you like no other. Someone who honors and respects you. Someone who loves being with you.

Look within. You are the person who can love you like no other. If you can’t give yourself the things you crave, no one else can.Ā The most important soul mate relationship is with yourself.

When you love and accept yourself just as you are, love and acceptance permeate your relationships with others. Learning to love yourself transforms the relationships you are already in.

dreamstime 82890165Reiki can clear beliefs that hinder self-love. Whether you belief you are not good enough, that you are damaged, or aren’t capable of love, Reiki can help you let those non-serving beliefs go.

People show up differently in your life when you clean up your story about yourself. You show up more authentic and loving with those around you.

An abundance of love exists in the relationships you already have with your friends and family. You don’t need to wait for the ‘one’. You are the one. Enjoy the love that is always with you. Practice treating every relationship as if the other is your most beloved soul mate.

If you find yourself without any friends or family right now, you are never alone. You always have yourself. Please don’t diminish this relationship with you. The best gift you can give yourself is to nurture your friendship with yourself.

Don’t be surprised when you have let go of resistance to being with yourself, that an unexpected someone shows up in your life to share the bounty of love you have developed within yourself.

Love is meant to be shared and expressed. As your love for yourself grows it will bubble over into all of your interactions and relationship.

You are the soul mate that you have been waiting for. Remembering that you are divine and have never been separate from your divinity brings bliss.

Treat yourself as you would your beloved. When you are in love with yourself and life the quality and vibration of the people who come into your life will match your self-love.

Even if you are already with your soul mate, you can strengthen your partnership by deeping your relationship with your self.

heart in sand on beach at sunsetHere are some waysĀ to increase your self-love byĀ activating Reiki in your chakras.

Reiki your root chakra to help you be present in the moment. When you are in the now noticing the beauty and love in your life, you magnetize more love to you.

Reiki your sacral chakra to help you clear your beliefs that block feeling empowered in your relationship to yourself or others. Reiki at your sacral can help you enjoy feeling alive and moving in your body.

Reiki at your solar plexus aligns your energy with what is important to you. Here you become clear about your worth, values and priorities. You remember you deserve love.

Reiki your heart chakra to activate feelings of unconditional love for yourself and others. You will start to feel the loving connection to all that is here in your heart.

At your throat chakra, self Reiki helps you make choices that honor yourself. Your words become filled with self-love expressing your highest light. You listen to the voice of your soul.

At your third eye, the Reiki will help you see yourself as divine and love. Your imagination is strengthened to help you tap into your personal life path that radiates love.

Reiki at your crown, will help you keep your valve open to your divinity and remember who you truly are. Your I am consciousness flows through you.

There are unlimited ways you can Reiki yourself and mediate with Reiki to build your self-love. Stay open and use Reiki often. It will guide you and open you more fully to your unlimited love within.

If you are not attuned to Reiki yet, give yourself the gift of learning Reiki. And if you aren’t ready to learn, give yourself the gift of a Reiki session.

Reiki is love.




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