Full Moon Distant Reiki & Meditation – September 10th, 2022 – Resilience & Vision

architecture area bay bridge
Reiki infused full moon image. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Happy Full Moon! 

If you follow or have been drawn to this site, you are being sent distant Reiki for the next 24 hours for the full moon in compassionate and imaginative Pisces tomorrow, September 10th.

Relax and breathe in this gift of Full Moon Distant Reiki flowing to you now, received by your own free will and your body’s inner wisdom.

Notice that things that show up in your life more easily when you hold the feeling of them first. It’s like you dream them into being.

We as individuals and humanity are resilient, especially when we see how we want things to be. As we hold onto the vision and the positive feelings our dreams elicit, things just fall into place. Sometimes it seems like miracles happen when we allow ourselves to stay open to the possibilities.

We don’t always get to decide what comes to be, nature takes care of that. And with Reiki you can rest assured that what happens is for your highest good, even if you can’t quite see why in the moment.

In case you need a reminder right now, you are resilient too! Reiki can help you align, build and envision. And it always helps you be more of who you fully are.

Like always, Reiki will support and uplift you in the ways that best serve you right now.

Thank you for your words of support about my brother’s stroke. It was a close call for him. The brain is truly resilient and so is my brother. He has relearned how to walk and is returning home next week. We will be staying open for a full recovery.

Reiki Rainbow Meditation

The group Full Moon Reiki Rainbow Meditation will be September 10th at 5:58 am Eastern/ 4:58 am Central/3:58 am Mountain and 2:58 am Pacific and 9:58 am UTC. This is the time when the moon is full. You don’t need to be attuned to Reiki to do this mediation. It can be done anytime with the intention that your energy joins with others. Click here to read more about the Reiki Rainbow Mediation.

I appreciate you and hope you enjoy the nurturing, loving and supportive energy being sent your way.

Click here to read more about Distant Reiki Healing.

Please see the FAQ page for more detailed information about the Full Moon Distant Reiki.



Christy DeArment, Reikichristy
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If you are looking for a clear and concise Reiki I & II manual to empower your Reiki journey, get a copy of Everyday Reiki. It is available as an ebook pdf on my site. Print versions are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. This is an excellent book for those who have already been attuned to Reiki I & II, for those about to learn, and for Reiki teachers.

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