Full Moon Distant Reiki -December 26th, 2023 – Empowering Dream Waves

brown rock formation near body of water during night
Reiki infused photo by Manga Verde on Pexels.com

Happy full moon!

As we close out the year I hope you take time to reflect upon all of the blessings in your life. Honor yourself for the challenges you have overcome. Be gentle on yourself for the areas you are still muddling through. You are anchoring even more of your brightness each day.

I am transmitting a signal or pure love reiki for the next 24 hours for the full moon in nurturing and sympathetic Cancer on December 26th.

This free distant reiki goes to followers of The Reiki Muse or Reikichristy on social media, email list subscribers, or visitors to this site who wish to receive.

You can watch the full moon video post anytime and receive reiki when you watch it, not just during the next 24 hours.

Relax and breathe in this gift of Reiki flowing to you now, received by your own free will and your body’s inner wisdom.

Moon in Cancer

With the moon in Cancer you may feel like nurturing yourself and others, being emotionally expressive, sympathetic and understanding.

It’s a good time for tending to your home and loved ones, If you find yourself feeling overly sensitive or needy, Reiki will help you find your balance and center.

If you find yourself craving seclusion right now, some time to yourself may be just what you need to reset your energies.

Stay open to sharing the gift of your light, love and focus where needed in these times. When your giving comes from your own purity, it will never drain you.

Healthy Boundaries

Say no to things that distract you or call your attention away from yourself and what is important. Healthy boundaries are a good thing now and always.

When you say no to what isn’t right for you, more of your unlimited light anchors in your body. You have the space to feel what is truly you rather than outside influences and what others want you to feel.

When you are saying yes to things you aren’t truly aligned with, you will water down and diminish your own energy.

Empowering dreams

Use that space you carve out for yourself to focus on empowering dreams for the year ahead. Feel the wave of energy behind you building strength to propel you toward the shores of what is starting to materialize for you.

Your focus on your visions literally starts creating the patterns and framework for things to come into being. May you feel the love and joy in the creation of your dreams as your infinite spark spreads into the world around you.

Like always, Reiki will work for you in the way that best serves you.

I appreciate you and hope you enjoy the nurturing, loving and supportive energy being sent your way.

Please subscribe if you would like full moon reiki each month.

If you need extra support moving through those messes, I’m here to help you realign with distant or in-person reiki and reflexology sessions.

I would love to hear your personal experiences with the full moon reiki. Please leave a comment if you would like to share.



Christy DeArment, Reikichristy

Reiki Rainbow Meditation

NEW: Guided Meditation Video. Click Here to watch.

The group Full Moon Reiki Rainbow Meditation will be December 27th at 12:33 am UTC/ December 26th 7:33 pm Eastern/ 6:33 pm Central/ 5:33 pm Mountain and 4:33pm Pacific. 

This is the time when the moon is full. You don’t need to be attuned to Reiki to do this mediation. It can be done anytime with the intention that your energy joins with others.

Click here to find out more about the Reiki Rainbow Mediation and to watch the guided meditation video.


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